Tips For Creating a Yard Sign Color Scheme

Choosing the color for signage is a fun activity, but sometimes difficult. Color is closely related to perception, so it’s important to choose an appearance that conveys the right message and interacts with the viewer. In addition, your color scheme should correspond to the overall appearance of your business. So how do you relate these two concepts (consumer and business)? Here’s a guide to choosing flowers for your lawn boards.

Contrast in design – readability should be your top priority. The personalized garden sign offers limitless color combinations, but you still want to be sure that the viewer will be able to read your post and digest what they say. The most important design advice to keep in mind is to always create a color contrast in the elements of your design. This means that if your text is dark, the background of your sign on the lawn should be as light as possible. If you prefer a dark background, make the text lighter. The greater the contrast, the more the text “pops out” of the table, making it easier to read. Although the colors of similar colors may look attractive, readability is a serious problem.

Contrast with the environment. Another type of contrast to consider is how your sign contrasts with the area in which it is located. The plates can sometimes have a chameleon effect, meaning they are in harmony with the environment, so make sure your sign stands out. If you’re placing a sign in the yard dedicated to politics or real estate, choose bright colors such as red and blue (as opposed to natural colors such as green and brown). Many garden panels are installed on a commercial wall, so if the wall is dark red brick, use a lighter-colored panel. The idea is that your sign will stand out from where it is installed and attract the reader’s attention.

Branded colors. If your business has already created branded colors that you probably use for all your advertising, you should also include them in garden signage. Brand colors help customers recognize your business, whether they’re in your store or browsing your online ad. So if you’ve never done it before, this is a great opportunity. Choose your colors carefully because they are very closely related to your business. Explore the theory of color to choose a color that conveys emotions and feelings that are appropriate for your business. This may sound insane, but much of this perception is unconscious and can have a profound effect on your business perception.

Number of colors – The last tip concerns your overall use of color. While it is clear that the colorful sign will attract more attention, there is a feeling that “too much good.” A lawn board with too many flowers can attract negative attention or even distract customers. Don’t let the color distract you from your message; instead, use the color strategically to emphasize and demonstrate the contents of the sign.
Robert Kinder works as a production manager at a local sign in Dallas, Texas. He has worked in the signage printing industry for more than 15 years, providing printing and installation for local small businesses and large corporate clients. Robert is happy to share his trade secrets and knowledge to help others better understand their designations and needs. His deep knowledge of the signage industry and practical experience make him an expert in all signage matters.






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