Tag: improve

  • 12 Tips To Improve Hearing And Prevent Hearing Loss

    Listening to roaring music today can lead to the inability to hear it tomorrow, the World Health Organization says. The WHO adds that as a result of listening to deafening music and not taking proper care of their ears, more than 1.1 billion elderly people are at risk of hearing loss. Be sure to dry…

  • 10 Ways To Improve The Shooting Range

    One of the challenges we face is the feeling that our visor is everywhere when we start taking a picture. For the most part, that’s just our perception and not reality. With good mechanics, you can take consistently accurate photos. An exercise to show you this, as well as to work on trigger control, is…

  • 11 Tips To Improve Your Toefl® Speech Score

    Practice combining your reading, listening and conversation skills for your integrated homework section to discuss the TOEFL® speech exam. Just lesson and try to read it through the lesson (don’t cheat by listening too!) and then practice the answer by teaching the main points of the lesson. Practice combining your listening skills and speaking skills…

  • The Means To Enhance Steadiness As We Age

    Keep your abs engaged and don’t go too low if it causes your again to arch. Hold for a few seconds, then drive up through your heels, again to standing. As we age, our steadiness declines — if it is not practiced — and may trigger falls. Every yr a couple of in three people…