Neurologists can also participate in clinical research, clinical trials and basic or translational research. Although neurology is a non-surgical specialty, the associated surgical specialty is neurosurgery. A neurologist is a physician specializing in the treatment of diseases affecting the human nervous system. It is a very prestigious and difficult medical specialty due to the complexity of the nervous system, which consists of the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves.
Neurosurgery is another specialty that includes a different training path and emphasizes the surgical treatment of neurological disorders. Neurologists are also asked to evaluate life support non-response patients to confirm brain death. A neurologist is a physician specializing in neurology and trained in the investigation, diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders.
Some neurologists specialize in certain parts of the nervous system or in specific procedures. Clinical neurophysiologists, for example, specialize in the use of EEG and intraoperative monitoring to diagnose certain neurological disorders. traumatic brain injury neurologist expert witness Other neurologists specialize in the use of electrodiagnostic medicine studies: needle EMG and NCS. In the US In the US, physicians generally do not specialize in all aspects of clinical neurophysiology, that is. sleep, EEG, EMG and NCS.
Symptoms depend on what has been injured and how much damage has been done. Brain injury can cause headaches, dizziness, seizures and loss of consciousness. A neurologist can make a treatment plan for your unique situation and coordinate your care. This may include medications, physiotherapy and mental health therapy. In some cases, neurologists may request additional diagnostic tests as part of the evaluation.
Neurologists do not perform surgeries, but they can refer patients in need of surgery to a neurosurgeon or spinal surgeon. In the event of surgery, a neurologist can continue to monitor and supervise treatment. The function of these nerves can be affected in brain disorders, injuries or inflammation.
Several blood tests are performed to look for vitamin deficiency and / or infections or major organ problems that can affect the nervous system. In summary, using a detailed history, a detailed neurological examination supplemented with research. The neurologist generally calculates where and what the problem is with the nerve axis and will hopefully initiate treatments that are beneficial to the patient. For example, in multiple sclerosis, immunomodulatory therapies may be beneficial to reduce the risk of additional relapses. In Parkinson’s disease, medications to replace dopamine deficiency in the brain will often improve motion control, movement rate and balance for the patient. In stroke, anticoagulants or anticoagulants in the acute environment can be used to try to stop permanent damage to brain tissue.
Neurologists begin their interactions with patients by following a full medical history and then conducting a physical exam aimed at evaluating the nervous system. Components of the neurological examination include evaluation of the patient’s cognitive function, cranial nerves, motor strength, sensation, reflexes, coordination and gait. According to our user group, neurologists are mainly research people. This finding is reassuring to the general public and especially anyone who can have brain, nerve or spinal cord injuries. Diagnosis and treatment of human nervous system disorders is the work of men and women who are naturally willing to research, study, research, search, assess; and eventually find medical interventions and solutions. Knowing the neural and motor pathways and functions of the systems will greatly facilitate learning from neurological disorders and diseases.